August has zoomed by so fast. Mr. Container and I have been in the house for about a month now. We’re getting used to the sense of responsibility. No more calling the landlord or management company when something breaks. Nothing is broken, but it /could/. We have an upcoming project of replacing the kitchen faucet. For some of you that would be easy and you’ve done it many times. It will be the first time for us. We’re definely up for the challenge.
Classes started this week. I’m excited about my Business Law and Statistics classes. I’m getting closer to that Associates Degree. Just a year to go, if things proceed as planned.
September will bring more exciting events. On the 6th I am doing my first 3.3 mile fundraising walk for a co-worker who is getting a kidney and pancreas transplant (email me if you want more info :D ). On the 13th my “baby” brother Ben is getting married. Mr. Container and I are flying out to Rochester, NY, for the event.
In Dreams
15 years ago